The Club is friendly and welcoming, with over 130 years of history. We are affiliated to the Southampton and District Bowling Association (S&D), to Bowls Hampshire and to Bowls England. The Club is open between mid-April until mid-September for outdoor bowling.

We have both mens and ladies teams who play competitively in several Southampton and Hampshire based leagues. The Club also runs several mixed leagues and competitions within the club, which are a great way to develop skills and to get to know the club and its members, in a friendly and relaxed environment.
Finally, we also play many friendly games against both local and visiting clubs throughout the summer season, usually on Wednesdays and at weekends.
A small number of indoor games are also played at other local clubs during the close season. Visitors are always welcome to call in and try their hand at bowling.
Look out for our designated 'Open Days' each year. Regular Roll-Ups are held on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. These are thoroughly enjoyed by new players but anybody is welcome to come along for an introduction to the game or to practice. So just drop in - although a call in advance would be appreciated.
As well as bowling, we hold lots of social events during the year, such as our annual Opening and Closing Days, Fun Days and our Christmas Party. In addition we have regular social evenings such as quizzes, skittles and even camel racing. We also organise an annual bowling holiday, most recently to Ilfracombe.
The Club was founded in 1889 by a group of businessmen headed by Edwin Jones, our first president, whose Southampton store many will remember. It has a lovely south facing pavilion that retains most of the original features. As well as a patio area, a veranda provides covered seating for spectators.